Posts tagged dutch test practitioner
5 Ways You Can Reduce Your Environmental Toxin Exposure

We’re all trying our best to live clean, green lives. It’s one thing that we know is beneficial for our overall health. Only, these days the world we live in makes it harder to escape them. Environmental toxin exposure is concerning; from the food we eat and the water we drink to the products we clean our bodies and homes with. More often than not they’re laden with high doses of toxins that have devastating effects on our health in the long-run.

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gut health, thyroid health, digestion, nutritionMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathythyroid, thyroid health, antioxidant, immunity, immune system, nutrition, nutrition for health, naturopath, naturopathy, brisbane, brisbane naturopath, rosalie, paddington, milton, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, health, wellness, wellbeing, gut health, digestion, diet, supplements, selenium, thyroid hormone, t4, t3, tsh, thyroid antibodies, iodine, pituitary gland, autoimmune disease, autoimmunity, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hashimotos, graves disease, TPOAb, TgAb, aperoxidase, reverse t3, RT3, weight gain, weight loss, fatigue, brain fog, concentration, irritability, anxiety, depression, cold sensitivity, hirsutism, hair growth, hair loss, fertility, ulcerative colitis, crohns disease, RDI, thyroid disease, city cave, city cave naturopath, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, thyroid testing, thyroid problems, iodine and thyroid, selenium and throid, selenium and thyroid, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane pregnancy naturopath, East Brisbane, brisbane thyroid naturopath, thyroid naturopath, autoimmune, fluoride, hormone imbalance, stress and thyroid, East Brisbane Naturopath, hormone health, evidence based medicine, halide, endocrine, natural ways to balance hormones, hormonal imbalance, female, natural medicine, thyroid function, health problems, personalised health, chlorine exposure, naturopathy brisbane, nutrition for hormones, melissa briggs naturopath, naturopathic medicine, natural support for thyroid, natural medicine practitioner, pregnancy, East Brisbane Nutritionist, functional medicine, iodine deficiency, nutrient deficencies, what is naturopathy, food intolerance, womens health, female health, brisbane naturopathy, elixir Naturopathy brisbane, elixir Naturopathy Brisbane, low sex drive, energy, plastic and fertility, polychlorinated bisphenyls, irregular periods, chronic pain, environmental toxin exposure, gut repair, sleep, infertility, hormonal acne, nervous system, dutch test practitioner, natural remedy for acne, types of oestrogen, luteinising hormone, what is PMS, phytoestrogens, dutch complete, preconception care, perimenopause, herbal meidcine, hormone naturopath, hormone problems, natural health, environmental medicine, postpartum health, nutritionist, endocrine disrupting chemicals, breast tenderness, AIP certified coach
7 Ways to Banish Burnout

In today's day and age we are working longer hours, not getting enough sleep and turning to coffee and sugar to push through the exhaustion. Only to wake up the next day and do it all over again. This my friend, is a recipe for burnout.

Burnout otherwise known as adrenal fatigue, is a chronic negative response caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion and occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to cope with the constant demands of life.

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hormones, stress, thyroid, thyroid health, women's health, fatigueMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathy burnout, adrenal health, adrenal fatigue, adrenals, adrenal fatigue naturopath, naturopath, brisbane naturopath, city cave naturopath, city cave, city cave pracitioner, city cave paddington, melissa briggs naturopath, elixir naturopathy, elixir natural health, elixir, endeavour college of natural health, brisbane naturopathy, brisbane nutritionist, naturopath brisbane, womens health naturopath, womens health, exhaustion, fatigue, stress, chronic stress, vitamin d and fatigue, adaptogenic herbs, adaptogens and stress, insomnia and stress, difficulty getting to sleep, sugar cravings, salt cravings, lack of motivation, brain fog, irritability, depression, anxiety, low mood, lethargic, weight gain, belly fat, dizziness, insulin resistance, blood sugar dysregulation, low libido, hormones, hormone imbalance, hormone naturopath, hormone testing, adrenal fatigue testing, thyroid testing, microba, dutch test, dutch test practitioner, dutch test practitioner brisbane, nutrition and adrenal fatigue, sleep problems, health, healthy fats, protein, protein and fatigue, reduce stress, stress reduction, exercise and stress reduction, yoga for health, mindfullness, burn out, adrenal deficiency, yoga for adrenal health, nutrition for health, chronic inflammaiton, waking unrefreshed, abdominal weight gain, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane natural health practitioner, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopathComment
Causes of Adult Onset Acne

Acne is a condition that is commonly thought of as a condition only affecting adolescents. However up to 51% of women between the ages 20-29 and 26% of women between 40-49 also suffer from this condition.

Acne is caused by multiple factors such as increased sebum secretion, inflammation, follicular keratinization, and Propionibacterium acnes. For many women, acne can be a debilitating condition that can have a huge impact on mental wellbeing.

The pathogenesis of acne in adult women can be quite complex and isn't always due to hormonal imbalances. So I am going to share with you the top contributing factors to be aware of. 

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6 Daily Self Care Rituals to Reduce Stress

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Your not alone. In fact 26% of Australian experience moderate to severe stress on a daily basis. In addition, stress often accompanied by feelings of anxiety and depression. 

Whether it's the demands of deadlines at work, juggling after-school activities for the kids, or financial pressures that come with the ever increasing cost of living, all while trying to maintain some kind of social life. We all experience some form of stress. 

What's more, this often leads us to neglect our own health to meet the needs of everyone around us. In a time where we really need to be supporting and nourishing our bodies.

So how can you reduce your stress? I am here to show you 6 of the best self care rituals you can incorporate easily into your day to reduce stress.

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fatigue, health, hormones, naturopathy, stress, thyroid, thyroid health, women's healthMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathystress reduction, stress, Stress management, relaxation, meditation, meditation for stress, practicing gratitude, exercise and stress reduction, exercise, herbal tea, herbal tea for anxiety, herbal tea for depression, herbal tea for stress, breath techniquies, nadi shodhana, alternate nostril breathing, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system dominance, sns dominanace, nutrition, nutrition for stress management, caffeine and stress, refined sugar and stress, alcohol and depression, alcohol and stress, alcohol and health, artificial sweeteners and stress, self care, self care rituals, self care rituals for stress relief, self care rituals for stress reduction, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, melissa briggs naturopath, city cave, city cave paddington, paddington naturopath, paddington queensland, brisbane nutritionist, brisbane natruopath, brisbane natural health practitioner, natural health practitioner, herbal medicine, naturopathy for stress, brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, brisbane naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, naturopath brisbane, dutch test practitioner, adrenal fatigue naturopath, Brisbane natural health practitionerComment
6 Ways to Eliminate PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common health condition experienced by up to 75% of women of reproductive age. PMS is a group of symptoms, both physical and emotional, experienced by a woman in the two weeks leading up to menstruation, also known as the luteal phase. With symptoms usually subsiding shortly after menstruation begins.  

In some cases PMS can develop into premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMDD is a more severe form of PMS, effecting about 3-6 % of women. PMDD be so debilitating that it impacts one's quality of life. Women who have had major depression are more at risk than others to experience PMDD.

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womens healthMelissa BriggsElixir NaturopathyPMS, PMDD, premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual disphoric disorder, hormones, hormone imbalance, oestrogen, progesterone, aldosterone, insulin resistance, stress, stress reduction, stress relief, digestion, gut health, gut bacteria, dysbiosis, constipation, diarrhoea, anxiety, depression, crying, modd changes, mood swings, bloating, gas, irritability, anger, limido, low libido, high libido, headaches, breast tenerness, weight gain, fluid retention, acne, hormonal acne, cravings, chocolate cravings, period cravings, wholefoods diet, clean eating, fibre, beneficial bacteria, cruciferous vegetables, dim, i3c, intole 3 carbinol, diindolymethane, liver, liver metabolism, liver function, oestrogen metabolism, magnesium, magnesium and pms, pms and diet, borage oil, borage oil and pms, exercise, exercise and pms, plastic, xenoestrogens, xenoestrogens and pms, xenoestrogens and hormones, naturopath, naturopathy, nutrition, brisbane naturopath, natural health, city cave, city cave naturopath, city cave practitioner, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, rosalie naturopath, herbal medicine, dutch test, dutch test practitioner, womens health, fertility, infertility, chin hair, testosterone, underlying cause, root cause, health, health problems, naturopathic practitioner, naturopathic physician, endeavour college of natural health, functional testing, hormone testing, dry urine test for comprehensive hormones, inflammation and pms, elixir naturopathy, elixir, melissa briggs, natural ways to treat PMS, natural solution to PMS, why does PMS occur, what is PMS, naturopathy for PMS, naturopathy for balancing hormones, balancing hormones naturally, breast tenderness, feeling puff, fatigue, what am i always tired, iron deficiency, iron and periods, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, dutch test practitioner brisbaneComment
Oestrogen: Functions, Imbalances & Testing

You might be surprised to learn that there is more than just one type of oestrogen.

Oestrogens are a group of steroid hormones produced in various organs (not just the ovaries) and the level of these oestrogens change throughout life and in physiological and pathological conditions.

While oestrogen is typically thought of as a female hormone, it is produced by males also. In women, this group of sex hormones are responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts, endometrium, and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Within the oestrogen hormone family, there are three main forms to focus on:

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women's health, hormonesMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathywomens health, female, female reproductive health, elixir naturopathy, city cave, brisbane, brisbane natruopath, brisbane nutritionist, health, wellbeing, oestrogen, oestrogen function, oestrogen testing, dutch testing, types of oestrogen, oestrogen and brain, oestrogen and heart, oestrogen and breast, breast health, brain health, heart health, oestrogen and anti ageing, anti ageing, Oestrone, oestriol, oestradiol, oestrogen metabolism, menopause, female hormones, hormone, hormone health, fertility, irregular menstrual cycles, irregular period, pms, irritability, depression, breast tenderness, fatigue, hair loss, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss, low libido, anxiety, fibrocystic breasts, premenstrual headaches, oestrogen dominance, oestrogen imbalance, healthy hormones, melissa briggs, naturopath, naturopathy, herbal medicine, natural health, natural fertility, paddington naturopath, endeavour college of natural health, precision analytical, low oestrogen, high oestrogen, oestrogen symptoms, ovaries, testosterone, progesterone, cardiovascular risk, city cave paddington, city cave naturopath, city cave pracitioner, nutritionist, hormoens, oestrogen problems, oestrogen dominant, psm, period health, period problems, irreguar cycle, sore breasts, fluid retention, milton naturpath, rosalie naturopath, elixir, natural hormone solutions, treating pjs naturally, period pain, period bloating, naturopathy for balancing hormones, natural ways to balance hormones, Brisbane naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, brisbane naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, naturopath brisbane, dutch test practitionerComment
Improving Sleep for Thyroid Health

Having a hard time waking up in the morning? Feel like you only had 2 hours sleep when you had 8?
Sleep issues are one of the most common symptoms of thyroid disorders, resulting in up to 30% of cases.
Both hypo and hyperthyroidism can result in disrupted sleep and insomnia. The catch 22? Good quality sleep is vitally important for thyroid patients to help combat fatigue, brain fog and other symptoms.
So what easy streps can be taken to start improving sleep? Here are a few recommendations.

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Why We All Need Magnesium

Magnesium is one of my favourite nutrients.

I fist became acquainted with magnesium back when I was a first year naturopath student. 

I used to consume coffee like it was going out of fashion in order to get me through assignments, deadlines and full time work. Until that is, I learned about magnesium.

You see coffee consumption actually works against the body when we are stressed, not only does it increase the excretion of B vitamins required to help combat stress, but it also triggers cortisol release.

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gut health, digestion, nutritionMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathymagnesium, hormones, gut health, digestion, b vitamins, vitaimines, stress, health, wellbeing, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, naturopath, naturopathy, brisbane naturopath, milton, rosalie, rosalie naturopath, nutrition, nutritional medicine, naturopathic meidicne, coffee, headaches, anxiety, adrenal fatigue, fatigue, digestive problems, metabolic syndrome, weight gain, magnesium deficiency, cortisol, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, heat attack, constipation, depression, chronic fatigue, sfs, hormone imbalance, insomnia, cravings, rdi, vegetables, alcohol, muscle cramp, restless leg sydrome, sleep disturbance, facial tic, eye twitch, memory, irritability, sports, sports recovery, thyroid, thyroid health, tsh, calm, vitamin d, bone health, magnesium citrate, amino acid chelate, transdermal, health professional, herbal medicine, magnesium orotate, magnesium threonate, chelate, magnesium absorption, best form of magnesium, magnesium for health, magnesium benefits, naturopath brisbane, magnesium for thyroid health, thyroid funciton, endeavour college, natural health, city cave, city cave paddington, city cave naturopath, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, elixir, pms, premenstrual headaches, premenstrual cramps, period pain, healthy hormones, paddington, brisbane, brisbane naturopathy, womens health, hormone imbalances, cardiovascular disease, poor memory, city cave pracitioner, milton naturpath, magnesium chloride, magnesium salts, magnesium bath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane natural health practitioner, brisbane nutritionist, dutch test practitioner, dutch test practitioner brisbane, East Brisbane, East Brisbane naturopath, East Brisbane nutritionist, brisbane thyroid naturopath, thyroid naturopath
6 Links Between The Thyroid & Hair Loss

There are many different causes for hair loss through out life, such as post childbirth or through menopause for women and most men will lose some hair by the time they reach adulthood. But while some hair loss is considered normal, excessive prolonged loss is not. 

Of the many health conditions that can cause excessive hair loss and thinning, thyroid conditions are one of the most common. Severe and unmanaged hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both result in hair loss, thinning or even balding. 

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thyroid, thyroid health, hair lossMelissa BriggsElixir naturopathythyroid, thyroid disease, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hashimotos, graves disease, autoimmune disease, autoimmunity, immunity, immune health, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, naturopathy, natural health, health, wellbeing, brisbane, brisbane naturopath, milton, rosalie, paddington, hair loss, excessive hair loss, hypochlorhydria, iron deficiency, burping, bloating, heart burn, constipation, indigestion, eczema, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, brittle nails, food sensitivities, food allergies, cognition, poor memory, memeory, sibo, candida, parasite, iron deficiencyzinc, zinc, iron deficinecy, b12, herbal medicine, nutrition, nutritionist, bitter foods, bitters, fluids, water, medication, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, low ferritin, iron stores, blood sugar dysregulation, blurred vision, sweating, nervousness, shaking, weakness, t4, t3, antibodies, insulin resistance, hormones, hormone imbalances, endocrine health, xenoestrogens, mood, perimenopause, thyroxine binding globulin, tbg, mood swings, stress, cortisol, cortisone, adrenals, adrenal health, adrenaline, enzymes, panic attack, irritability, chest pain, thyroid function, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, rosalie naturopath, city cave, city cave paddington, city cave naturopath, thyroid problems, thyroid and hair loss, what causes hair loss, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, brisbane naturopathy, Brisbane fertility naturopath, dutch test practitioner, dutch test practitioner brisbane, East Brisbane, East Brisbane naturopath, brisbane thyroid naturopath
The Benefits of Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Gut Health

You have most likely heard of the Gut brain Axis, referring to the bidirectional communication between the central nervous system (brain) and the enteric nervous system (gut), linking emotional and cognitive centres of the brain with peripheral intestinal function. But do you know much about the Vagus nerve that’s responsible for connecting them?

The vagus nerve aka the “wandering nerve” is a multi branched nerve that extends from the cerebellum in the brain down to the lowest viscera of the abdomen, reaching out to the heart and other organs on the way down. It is this nerve that is responsible for the communication between the gut and the brain.

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gut health, digestionMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathyelixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, health, natural health, naturopathy, nutrition, brisbane, brisbane naturopath, gut brain axis, gut health, digestion, constipation, doarrhoea, reflux, heart burn, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, rosalie, paddington, milton, teneriffe, fatigue, ibs, anxiety, energy, weight loss, city cave, city cave paddington, paddington naturopath, holistic nutritionist, womens health, thyroid health, elixir, rosalie naturopath, milton naturopath, city cave practitioner, naturopathic practitioner, nutritionist, diarrhoea, tense machine, vagus nerve and gut, vagus nerve and health, vagus nerve and anxiety, probiotics and gut health, why take probiotics, yoga forgot health, sibo, depression, hormones, hormonal imbalance, cold shower and digestion, how singing can improve digestion, diaphragm breathing, move osteopathy, dr bron osteopath, IBS, wandering nerve, gut brain connection, digestive enzymes, stomach acid, hunger, no hunger, lack of appatite, poor vagal tone, histamine reaction, how to improve digestion naturally, brisbane natural health practitioner, cold immersion therapy, improving digestion naturally, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, brisbane bardon naturopath, Brisbane Rosalie naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, dutch test practitioner, dutch test practitioner brisbane