Posts tagged infertility
5 Ways You Can Reduce Your Environmental Toxin Exposure

We’re all trying our best to live clean, green lives. It’s one thing that we know is beneficial for our overall health. Only, these days the world we live in makes it harder to escape them. Environmental toxin exposure is concerning; from the food we eat and the water we drink to the products we clean our bodies and homes with. More often than not they’re laden with high doses of toxins that have devastating effects on our health in the long-run.

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gut health, thyroid health, digestion, nutritionMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathythyroid, thyroid health, antioxidant, immunity, immune system, nutrition, nutrition for health, naturopath, naturopathy, brisbane, brisbane naturopath, rosalie, paddington, milton, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, health, wellness, wellbeing, gut health, digestion, diet, supplements, selenium, thyroid hormone, t4, t3, tsh, thyroid antibodies, iodine, pituitary gland, autoimmune disease, autoimmunity, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hashimotos, graves disease, TPOAb, TgAb, aperoxidase, reverse t3, RT3, weight gain, weight loss, fatigue, brain fog, concentration, irritability, anxiety, depression, cold sensitivity, hirsutism, hair growth, hair loss, fertility, ulcerative colitis, crohns disease, RDI, thyroid disease, city cave, city cave naturopath, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, thyroid testing, thyroid problems, iodine and thyroid, selenium and throid, selenium and thyroid, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane pregnancy naturopath, East Brisbane, brisbane thyroid naturopath, thyroid naturopath, autoimmune, fluoride, hormone imbalance, stress and thyroid, East Brisbane Naturopath, hormone health, evidence based medicine, halide, endocrine, natural ways to balance hormones, hormonal imbalance, female, natural medicine, thyroid function, health problems, personalised health, chlorine exposure, naturopathy brisbane, nutrition for hormones, melissa briggs naturopath, naturopathic medicine, natural support for thyroid, natural medicine practitioner, pregnancy, East Brisbane Nutritionist, functional medicine, iodine deficiency, nutrient deficencies, what is naturopathy, food intolerance, womens health, female health, brisbane naturopathy, elixir Naturopathy brisbane, elixir Naturopathy Brisbane, low sex drive, energy, plastic and fertility, polychlorinated bisphenyls, irregular periods, chronic pain, environmental toxin exposure, gut repair, sleep, infertility, hormonal acne, nervous system, dutch test practitioner, natural remedy for acne, types of oestrogen, luteinising hormone, what is PMS, phytoestrogens, dutch complete, preconception care, perimenopause, herbal meidcine, hormone naturopath, hormone problems, natural health, environmental medicine, postpartum health, nutritionist, endocrine disrupting chemicals, breast tenderness, AIP certified coach
5 Simple and Natural Ways to Enhance Fertility

As a naturopath, I see a lot of women and their partners looking for a quick and easy way to enhance and better their chances for fertility. Unfortunately, the bad news is there’s no ‘quick fix’. But the good news? There are a number of ways to increase your chances of falling pregnant.

It’s important to understand that every single aspect of the body is connected, and oftentimes in the most unexpected of ways. From our diets and the stress we feel at work, to the environment we live our day to day lives in, every part of our lifestyle has a fundamental effect on our wellbeing.

But with so much confusing or conflicting information in the health industry today, how can you be sure you’re doing the right thing, especially when it comes to preparing your body for pregnancy?

Let me show you five ways you can enhance your fertility and overall wellbeing by making a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle:

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hormones, women's healthMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathy hormones, hormone imbalance, hormone health, hormone disrupting chemicals, hormone naturopath, hormone problems, hormone testing, DUTCH test practitioner, DUTCH test, FERTILITY, trying to conceive, womens health, reproductive function, Stress management, anti inflammatory diet, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory foods, basal body temperature, temperature charting, ovulation, improving ovulation, female reproductive health, prenatal, prenatal care, prenatal vitamin, prenatal dha, pregnancy, infertility, zinc for fertility, iron for fertility, iron deficinecy, folate, folate and pregnancy, postnatal depression, essential fatty acids, omega 3, omega 3 and pregnancy, vitex and fertility, vitex agnus castus, tributes, plastic free, plastic and fertility, nutrition for fertility, eating for fertility, infertility awareness month, city cave, city cave naturopath, city cave pracitioner, city cave paddington, brisbane natruopath, brisbane nutritionist, brisbane natural health practitioner, brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane naturopathy, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, brisbane naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane natural health practitioner, naturopath brisbane, dutch test practitioner brisbane, brisbane pregnancy naturopathComment
Naturopathy & Endometriosis: Improving Symptoms

March is Endometriosis awareness month. A month to shine a light on this debilitating disease which affects 1 in 10 womens and with an estimates 176 million cases world wide.

Endometriosis is a chronic disease in which endometrial like tissue, usually found lining the uterus (endometrium), grows outside the uterus. While this abnormal growth is often found surrounding the ovaries and fallopian tubes or within the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity, in some advanced cases it has also been found in the lungs and brain.

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hormones, womens healthMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathyendometriosis, health, womens health, endometriosis awareness month, march, chronic health disease, hormones, oestrogen, endo, natural medicine for endometriosis, endometrial tissue, endometriosis australia, city cave, city cave paddington, city cave practitioner, elixir naturopathy, elixir, melissa briggs naturopath, naturopath, brisbane naturopath, paddington naturopath, milton naturpath, milton naturopath, rosalie naturopath, naturopathic medicine, magnesium, fish oil for endometriosis, magnesium and endometriosis, infertility, dysmenorrhoea, painful periods, chronic pain, menorrhagia, breakthrough bleeding, painful intercourse, painful sex, pain and urination, nausea, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, depression, anxiety, inflammation, metaplasia, retrograde menstruation, hormones and endometriosis, xenoestrogens, immunity, immunity and endomestriosis, ultrasound, MRI, laparoscopy, NSAIDS, pain medication and endometriosis, hysterectomy, hysterectomy and endometriosis, naturopathy and endometriosis, herbal meidcine, herbal medicine, herbal medicine and endometriosis, analgesic herbs, antispasmodic herbs, immune herbs, herbs for anxiety, adaptogenic herbs, endeavour college of natural medicine, brisbane, muscle relaxant, nutrition for endometriosis, plant based diet, autoimmune paleo, acupuncture, acupuncture for endometriosis, environmental medicine, environmental toxins, environmental toxin exposure, low tax life, low tox life, living low tox, chemical free living, polychlorinated bisphenols, polychlorinated bisphenyls, PCB's, endocrine, endocrine disrupting chemicals, plastic free, hormone disrupting chemicals, sustainable living, organic, whole foods diet, diet and endometriosis, diet for endometriosis, anti inflammatory diet, anti inflammatory diet and endometriosis, bone broth, anti inflammatory foods for endometriosis, what is endometriosis, natural health for endometriosis, nutrition and endometriosis, do i have endometriosis, march is endometriosis awareness month, natural medicine, natural medicine and endometriosis, balancing hormones, how to balance hormones, immunity and endometriosis, turmeric and endometriosis, curcumin and endometriosis, what is a anti inflammatory diet, herbal medicine for endometriosis, endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis, environmental chemicals and hormones, city cave practtioner, rosalie, milton, paddington, melissa briggs, dr bron osteopath, move osteopathy, Pain management, Pain management and endometriosis, Supporting immunity, Supporting immunity in endometriosis, Stress management and endometriosis, Stress management, Supporting sex hormone metabolism and production, Supporting sex hormone metabolism and production in endometriosis, supporting immunity and endometriosis, Brisbane naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane naturopathy, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, brisbane natural health practitioner, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopathComment
6 Ways to Eliminate PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common health condition experienced by up to 75% of women of reproductive age. PMS is a group of symptoms, both physical and emotional, experienced by a woman in the two weeks leading up to menstruation, also known as the luteal phase. With symptoms usually subsiding shortly after menstruation begins.  

In some cases PMS can develop into premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). PMDD is a more severe form of PMS, effecting about 3-6 % of women. PMDD be so debilitating that it impacts one's quality of life. Women who have had major depression are more at risk than others to experience PMDD.

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womens healthMelissa BriggsElixir NaturopathyPMS, PMDD, premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual disphoric disorder, hormones, hormone imbalance, oestrogen, progesterone, aldosterone, insulin resistance, stress, stress reduction, stress relief, digestion, gut health, gut bacteria, dysbiosis, constipation, diarrhoea, anxiety, depression, crying, modd changes, mood swings, bloating, gas, irritability, anger, limido, low libido, high libido, headaches, breast tenerness, weight gain, fluid retention, acne, hormonal acne, cravings, chocolate cravings, period cravings, wholefoods diet, clean eating, fibre, beneficial bacteria, cruciferous vegetables, dim, i3c, intole 3 carbinol, diindolymethane, liver, liver metabolism, liver function, oestrogen metabolism, magnesium, magnesium and pms, pms and diet, borage oil, borage oil and pms, exercise, exercise and pms, plastic, xenoestrogens, xenoestrogens and pms, xenoestrogens and hormones, naturopath, naturopathy, nutrition, brisbane naturopath, natural health, city cave, city cave naturopath, city cave practitioner, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, rosalie naturopath, herbal medicine, dutch test, dutch test practitioner, womens health, fertility, infertility, chin hair, testosterone, underlying cause, root cause, health, health problems, naturopathic practitioner, naturopathic physician, endeavour college of natural health, functional testing, hormone testing, dry urine test for comprehensive hormones, inflammation and pms, elixir naturopathy, elixir, melissa briggs, natural ways to treat PMS, natural solution to PMS, why does PMS occur, what is PMS, naturopathy for PMS, naturopathy for balancing hormones, balancing hormones naturally, breast tenderness, feeling puff, fatigue, what am i always tired, iron deficiency, iron and periods, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, dutch test practitioner brisbaneComment
How Stress Impacts The Female Reproductive System

It’s the beginning of the year and as we all settling back into work and life the pressures and stress can begin to creep up again. 

Female reproductive health is an area I work a lot with in clinic and a very common theme with many of my clients is the impact stress has on the female reproductive system.

Before we get into how stress impacts sex hormones I really want to get to the core of what stress is and how it can present itself.

 Stress is defined as “a state in which homeostasis is threatened or perceived to be threatened.” 

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gut health, hormones, womens healthMelissa BriggsElixir Naturopathywomens health, hormones, city cave, brisbane, paddington, rosalie, milton, brisbane naturopath, health, balance hormones, elixir naturopathy, melissa briggs, endeavour college of natural therapies, nutritionist, brisbane nutritionist, gut health, stress, stressed out, relaxation, relax, how stress affects hormones, stress reduction, mindfullness, 2019, new year, work stress, female health, female reproductive health, fertility, infertility, pcos, endometriosis, thyroid, underachieve thyroid, overactive thyroid, sex hormones, oestrogen, progesterone, PMS, low libido, low sex drive, physical stress, emotional stress, environmental stress, nervous system, ins dominance, sns dominanace, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, amygdala, hypothalamus, pituitary, HPA axis, HPO axis, HPT axis, breast and digest, fight or flight, digestion, reproductive function, adrenals, adrenal deficiency, fatigue, weight gain, emotional, adrenaline, cortisol, high cortisol, palpitations, blood sugar, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, nutrient deficencies, insulin resistance, hypoglycaemic, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, insomnia, sleep problems, type 2 diabetes, memory problems, low concentration, LH, FSH, luteinising hormone, follicular stimulating hormone, testosterone, glucocorticoids, irregular periods, irregular menstruaiton, polycystic ovarian syndrome, food as medicine, exercise, endorphins, healthy fats, protein, refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, inflammation, electronic devices, contant checker, technology addiction, family, loved ones, happiness, happy hormones, DUTCH test, precision analytical, DUTCH test practitioner, hormone testing, dutch complete, dutch plus, RN Labs, naturopath, stress and anxiety, city cave paddington, city cave naturopath, city cave practitioner, paddington naturopath, milton naturopath, elixir, life, rosalie naturopath, thyroid problems, hormone problems, psm, stress management, stress and hormones, Brisbane paddington naturopath, Brisbane thyroid naturopath, Brisbane digestion naturopath, Brisbane immunity naturopath, Brisbane stress fatigue naturopath, Brisbane gut health naturopath, Brisbane online naturopath, Brisbane naturopath, Brisbane fertility naturopath, brisbane hormone naturopath, brisbane acne naturopath, Brisbane hormone naturopath, Brisbane natural health practitionerComment
Selenium & Thyroid health

The essential trace mineral, selenium, is of crucial importance to human health. It is a necessary component of several major metabolic pathways including thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense and immune regulation.

While the body requires selenium, it does not produce this mineral, therefore selenium must be obtained through the diet or supplementation. 

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